Projects, Tips and Tales

Protect Your American Girl Paper Pieces

Dolly cash, cute paper menus, tickets and more. It’s all super cute but it’s all also the first thing to get destroyed when played with.

We’ve come up with a super easy way to keep those precious paper goods in perfect condition (without telling the children they can’t play with them).


Some of these paper items are very difficult, if not impossible to replace. And when replacements can be found, they can often be very pricey. I recently saw two paper menus from Maryellen’s Diner on sale for $15. Yikes! American Girl customer service will sell replacement items, but once they are no longer being sold, they also will stop making the replacements.

Photo from

My sister recently purchased Maryellen’s Seaside Diner for her daughter. The set is incredibly cute with tons of fun pieces. The play value is pretty great and my niece spends lots of time playing with it. My sister was concerned about all the little paper products getting destroyed, but also still wanting to make sure the set gets loved and played with.

Then the most simple solution popped in my mind. Just make some color copies of everything! She went straight to her copier, made some copies of the menus, placemats, and guest checks, let the girls cut them out and they got to playing right away. The original paper pieces are now tucked away in a safe spot and the kiddos can play away with mom being stressed out about them getting damaged.


Of course, keep in mind that making copies to distribute or sell would be considered a copyright violation, but just keeping them for your own use should be fine.

Have ever done this to protect your precious paper pieces? What do you do to keep your AG products free from damage?

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